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New Cinematic Composition Lessons

All New 10-Lesson Series Designed for both directors and cinematographers, the Framing and Composition lessons balance the techniques of cinematic composition, technical requirements and limitations of various formats and aspect ratios, and the emotional impact of every shot choice. The Visual Story A director’s job not only includes interpreting

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New Directors Craft Lessons

We are proud to announce the all new Directors Craft lessons. Designed to methodically guide you through director’s role in visual storytelling, the seven new lessons combine interviews with Hollywood directors, on-set tutorials, and step-by-step approach to the director’s process. Meet Your Instructors Meet some of the industry professionals

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FilmSkills Powers State of Kentucky

We are excited to announce that FilmSkills is powering the State of Kentucky online film training program. Kentucky offers aggressive tax incentives for film production, making it one of the more affordable film production locations in the United States. Due to the growing number of films coming to the state,

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All New Film Marketing Classes

We are excited to announce the all new FilmSkills Film Marketing Course. We’ve assembled an all-star group of studio executives and marketing professionals to help you craft a powerful and effective marketing campaign for your movie. You’ve made your cinematic masterpiece, now what? One of the most secretive and difficult

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The Actor’s Responsibility

We often think of the director as the master storyteller, guiding the cast and crew towards one unified vision.  While much of the responsibility of crafting this vision falls on the director, the line can be come blurry between the director’s work and the actor’s responsibility. For the actor, much of his

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Unlock the Most Powerful Acting Tool – Backstory

A play, story, or movie is nothing more than a short glimpse of a part of a character’s life in a moment of conflict. The audience does not have the luxury of knowing the character from birth, so personality and behavioral traits, quirks, likes and dislikes, and temperaments must be

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