Directing Master Course for Television and Movies
Only 6 monthly payments of $67

FilmSkills has partnered with PayPal to offer a 6-month, 0% interest payment plan for the FilmSkills Directing Master Course for Television and Movies. Provided you pay off the entire amount within 6 months, enjoy 0% interest rate. This offer only applies to US customers.
Step 1: Apply for PayPal Credit
This is not a credit card, but a special financing deal we worked out with PayPal. Once approved, you won’t pay any Interest if you pay the course off in full in 6 months. That makes FilmSkills even more affordable at only $67/month.
Step 2: Purchase the Course
One approved, click the button below to purchase FilmSkills Directing Masster Course for Television and Movies using your PayPal account. We will then set-up your account and e-mail you your login information. It’s that simple.
" Thanks for all the great content on FilmSkills. I have never come across anything like it. Its truly amazing! "
Roger Jonsson
FilmSkills user