FilmSkills Academic

Student Sign Up Instructions

A guide to helping students register for your FilmSkills Academic classes.

How to Join FilmSkills as a Student

Step 1

To join your FilmSkills Class, visit Below the large image, you will see a dropdown menu that says “Choose Your Company or School.”

Step 2

Choose your school from this dropdown list, then select the classes you are required to join by clicking “Add to Cart.” Once you have selected your classes, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Proceed to Checkout.”

Step 3

You will then be prompted to create your own account. The e-mail address you enter will be your username.

Step 4

Once you have created your account, you may be asked to enter your credit card information to join the class. Make sure the billing address you enter matches the billing address associated with your credit card.

You may not be required to pay for this class.  If not, you will not see the credit card page.


Step 6

After you enter your credit card information, click “Accept” at the bottom of the page.  You will be asked to confirm your purchase.


Congratulations!  You successfully registered. When your class begins (note the starting date), you will be able to open the class and access all the class content from your student home page.