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Beginning the Writing Process

Congratulations! You're ready to start writing your movie script, but where do you start? Before we jump into developing characters and discussing story structure, you need to prepare your tools and set-up a space to work.In this lesson, we will share some tips and tricks to helping you prepare to write your screenplay.

Beginning the Writing Process

Congratulations! You're ready to start writing your movie script, but where do you start? Before we jump into developing characters and discussing story structure, you need to prepare your tools and set-up a space to work.In this lesson, we will share some tips and tricks to helping you prepare to write your screenplay.

Beginning the Writing Process

Congratulations! You're ready to start writing your movie script, but where do you start? Before we jump into developing characters and discussing story structure, you need to prepare your tools and set-up a space to work.In this lesson, we will share some tips and tricks to helping you prepare to write your screenplay.